Saturday, April 21, 2012

Daisy Coasters - Free Pattern

Summer will be here soon, and what better for your cold drinks than a set of cheery daisy coasters.  :)

Coasters are made using worsted weight 100% cotton yarn and finished size is about 5" across.
Click on the "download now" link below the top picture to get the pattern pdf.


Johanna said...

Thanks for the pattern! I was just thinking that I should find something small to work on since it is starting to get warm out. I don't feel like having a heavy afghan on my lap to crochet right now!

Annette said...

WOW Doni... I love that pattern...
How beautifull you made that..
This week I'm going to try them out.
My crochet garland is hanging now for more then 6 months.. with X-mas I wante dto make a new one with Easter also... but every thime somethind came between.. but now for Spring I'm going to try out on those Daisy Coaster .. If I liek to make, I'm gonna make a whole garland of it...
Thank you so much for the pattern

Unique2wh0 said...

Been having probleme posting lately. Hope you are good! Thank you for the cute daisy coaster pattern. I love Annettes idea to make a cute bunting/garland from them..good thing I got cotton on sale today. LOL Thank you.

Melissa Graham said...

I've found you my pretty and now I must make lots of you and call you my own. Giggle giggle. Must have daisies!!!

Megan said...

I love your blog.

Crochet Addict UK said...

Love the pattern, thanks ever so much for sharing!

Mylittlepieceofengland said...

How pretty, thank you for the pattern, can't wait to have a go at making some xx

Anonymous said...

Visiting from Sew Many Ways.

Thank you for the pattern. I've printed it out and will pass it on to my DD who I am sure will whip them up for me in no time at all! :-) It's great to have a DD that loves to crochet!

I'm a new follower.

Anonymous said...

Adorable. Perfect for anyone's patio set -- especially MINE!

Sally said...

These are really adorable! I wish I was better at following crochet directions so that I could make them and have them not be wonky!

Tzviya said...

These coasters are great little things! Thank you for sharing the pattern!

Toodie said...

Those are so cute! I love daisies so they caught my eye right off and now I guess I'm going to have to make some of my own. :) Thanks so much for the pattern!

Holly said...

Thanks for sharing this pattern! You always come up with cleaver, easy, and cute seasonal patterns! Looking forward to trying this one out in the near future!!

Thimbleanna said...

Ha! I saw these on pinterest and thought "that looks like something Doni would make". Little did I know! Very, Very Cute!!!

Ninu said...

very pretty coasters.Thanks for the pattern

Wendy said...

What a lovely pattern, thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

These are adorable!! Thank you.

LindaCrochets said...

Love these litle coasters!

Anonymous said...

I've made eight of these little honeys, and they're the perfect Crocheted coasters. Thank you!

Cj said...

Your patterns are so wonderful . . . you keep making my To-Make List even longer :)

Unknown said...

Could you please e-mail me the pattern? I could not get the download to open. Thanks! :)

Unknown said...

I'm sorry, I forget to tell you which pattern. It's the daisy coasters. Thanks

Tara said...

These are adorable!! Perfect for a friend who's daughters name is Daisy! :) Thanks so much!!

Anonymous said...

I tried to download it but for some reason my computer says "this kind of file can damage your computer..." Is there anyway that you can email me the file? I would so appreciate it...I love love love this pattern!

Angelique said...

Hello Doni. I came to thank you for sharing your pattern and invite you to visit my blog where I posted my work and mentioned yours too.

Have a great Sunday

trt1 said...

So cute, i will be making this :)
i am a new blogger and would love some more people to read my blog; audrey'

Unknown said...

So cute, i will be making this :)
i am a new blogger and would love more people to read my blog;

Unknown said...

I absolutely love this pattern! I just finished making a set of flower power dishcloths with matching coasters. Is there a dishcloth pattern that matches this? I am not so good at improvising as I am very new to crochet. Thanks for the great patterns

melda said...

Thank you for sharing this pattern. I've made a pair of this lovely coaster. This has become my quick crochet project on this day and I really love it! Thanks again. xX

Unknown said...

Wow, I really like your post because the information which you given in this blog is really extra ordinary.

Mare said...

I appreciate finding this pattern for daisy coasters. I hope to make some for my sisters in memory of our mom whose favorite flower was the daisy.

Lucy Carter said...

Your coaster design is very beautiful. I tried it myself.
Wholesale Coasters

Shirley said...

So sorry to see the pattern has been discontinued. Why still post the lovely pictures? Could someone please send me the pattern? My email is: I am making items to sell at our AMVETS Auxiliary and I think this pattern would help us to make funds. Hope to hear from someone soon. Thanks, Shirley

Patricia Leeman said...

Can you please send me the pattern to my email I cannot seem to download it my email address is

Patricia Leeman said...

I would like your coaster pattern flower if you could email it to me I would appreciate it very much at

Cindy Louwho said...

Hi I was unable to find the pattern for the daisy coasters. Could you send me a link to the pattern, or the actual pattern?
My email address is
Thank you

cindy said...

I was looking for this pattern and couldnt find and then here it was. This is so very cute. Thanks

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