Monday, May 13, 2013

Spring Fling Potholder - New Pattern In Shop

I was so happy when Spring finally arrived and I wanted to design a bright and cheerful flower potholder to welcome it in.  I'm now trying to ignore the fact that our weather has turned cold again and we had to turn our furnace back on.  But this flower does cheer me up with it's bright colors.  :)

The striped center of the flower is done by stitching the stripes into the potholder's front piece by following a color chart.  The flower is made separately, then positioned over the striped section on the potholder front and stitched into place.

And since this potholder involves changing color on each stitch to make the stripes and also the border, I've included a little photo tutorial in the pattern on how to change color on every stitch.

Finished size is about 8 1/4" x 8 1/4" (not including the ring at the top)


  1. Oh So Cute Doni! And VERY spring-like! In my almost 30 years of living here, I never remember a season where we had a frost after the frost date -- it's crazy!!!

  2. Dear Doni, for some reason I can't access your email to write directly so I decided to leave a comment here. I made a lovely set of your daisy costers which I showed on my blog and I have been asked to write a tutorial. Would you agree for me to translate the pattern and put it on my blog? Of course I will credit you 100% for the pattern :) Love, deZeal

  3. Are you sure this awesome and stunning piece of art is a potholder? Wow! With a potholder like that, I would never use it in my kitchen. But rather, have it hanging on our wall or collect various designs of it. Thanks a lot for this wonderful inspiration. You have a gift!

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  4. ركة رواد الحرمين تقدم لكم

    شركه عزل فوم بالرياض

    شركه تنظيف منازل بالدمام
    اغفضل الخدمات في مجال التنظيف والعزل نتكمتع دائما باارضاء العمبل
    نحن نطمع عزيزى العميل فى الوصول الى راحتك الدائمة و ان تكون تتمتع بالمعيشة فى حياه هادئة
    و اننا نتميز بوجود فريق عمل مميز يعلم جيدا ما يفعلة لكى يصل الى النظافة المطلوبة
    و اننا نعمل على ان نصل الى النظافة بالشكل السليم الذى يحقق لك عزيزى العميل الوصول الى النظافة المطلوبة
    التى تكون فى الطريقة المشرفة امام جميع الضيوف الذين يحضرون اليك عزيزى العميل الى منزلك
    و اننا نستخدم الاساليب التى تعمل على انجاز هذة المهمة بشكل سريع و فى اقرب وقت ممكن وسرعه ائقه في مجال الخدمات المنزلية
